[Fedora-xen] how to startup a new virtual box...

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Jun 19 15:02:56 UTC 2007

On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 11:00:37AM -0400, John Sanabria wrote:
> hi,
> i'm using xen 3.1 from fc7. In fc6 i can startup a virtual box with: xm
> create name_virtual_box, for example: xm create 00_16_3E_32_0F_0F.
> When i try to run the same command in fc7, it does not work. Thank you.
> output: Error: Unable to open config file: 00_16_3E_32_0F_0F

Use   virsh list --all   to see what guests are defined and then
start one up with virsh start [name or uuid]

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