[Fedora-xen] (no subject)

John Sanabria John.Sanabria at ece.uprm.edu
Wed Jun 20 18:38:13 UTC 2007

Thanks Daniel for the answer,

according to Xen Documentation (3.0), you can start a domain using:

xm create <config_file>

The <config_file> must be located in /etc/xen directory. However, for Xen
3.1 the configuration file is not "necessary", then, you can submit the

virsh start <image_filename>

and the domain is created. The <image_filename> must be a file located in
/var/lib/xen/images directory. But, where is located the configuration
file for a domain in xen 3.1? Thanks.

> Copy the disk image for the machine. Then copy the config, changing the
> MAC address, name, UUID and path to the disk image.


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