[Fedora-xen] Xen status for FC7

FCXen fcxen at itsbeen.sent.com
Sat Jun 30 02:17:54 UTC 2007

Mike wrote:
> Frank Morane wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just did a fresh install of FC7 to see if xen would work out of the box.
>> Dom0 boots (with errors in the log - see below) and some Centos 4.4 domU
>> boots but are unseable (after recompiling the initrd image with the xen
>> driver preloaded) up to the famous long lasting error message "4gb seg
>> fixup". At that point it is dead
>> My question: what id the status of Xen for Fc7? Will it ever fly?
>> Is there a Linux distro that works out of the box ?
> Hmm. I'm running a F7 dom0 with the following domUs: NetBSD 3.1, FC6,
> F7, and a very shaky Solaris 10 b44.
> Xen 3.1 + F7 seems rock solid.
>> The last usable version I saw was for FC5 as of May 2006, after that all
>> version were badly broken and never fixed, I tested ALL of them for
>> fc5/fc6 and not a single one worked as published. Only home brewed
>> compiled version would work after weeks of trial and error.
>> Here what the log says from my out of the box install:
> Are you sure you're not missing the domU's console? I noticed that with
> at least the FC6 and F7 domUs, the boot output starts on the serial
> console, then transfers to the graphical console. I'm not familiar with
> the Centos domU's behavior, but it might be something to check.

I think this is a big problem, it happened to me.* Unfortunately, I was trying 
on FC6 Test 2/3 so I was told to get the F7 release version and try that.

There is no clear step by step how to on how to build GUI-less domUs for FC6 
or F7 (or more frustratingly, no notices that it is not possible), so many 
people seem to be trying it and asking variations of the same question here, 
the IRC channels for Fedora and Xen, the libvir mailing list, the Xen mailing 
list, etc.

Can someone with the access rights put a clear unequivocal checklists or 
statements on the libvir site and the F7 site with the steps that work and/or 
don't work for creating domUs for normal people? Lots of people are in 
GUI-less situations and trying F7/Xen and failing unnecessarily, its bad PR 
for Xen and F7.

And kudos to those running everything under the sun on an F7 dom0, but can 
someone give those of us who aren't in the secret club a break and publish a 
full step-by-step of how you did it and some config files/settings. Did you 
use a copy of the DVD** exactly as it was or change some magical files after 
copying to disk? Has GUI-less domU installs or installs using a manually 
assigned IPv4 address ever worked for anyone using an F7 dom0, if so how?

* [Along with the problem that the installer was crashing when manually 
configuring an IPv4 address for an interface.] The released one still seems to 
want the subnet mask in 32s rather than 255s.

** I also didn't know that a remote repo would fail during domU installs until 
someone mentioned it among some other attempts at troubleshooting my install 

Thanks to anyone who can help with this.

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