[Fedora-xen] Status of Xen on FC6 2.6.20.x

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Mon May 21 16:55:47 UTC 2007

On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 09:41:26AM -0700, John Casey wrote:
> Can someone tell me or give me a pointer to the status of Xen on FC6 kernel
> 2.6.20.x?    I've read about and experienced some serious instability on
> 2.6.20.x and was wondering when a stable release was expected.    All of the
> threads I've read say to use Xen on 2.6.18, but since Xen is not a critical
> requirement for me, I'd like to wait until it comes out on 2.6.20 (or FC7)
> which ever comes first.  

F7 is arriving real soon now and will be  Xen 3.1.0 + 2.6.20 kernel. This
kernel will fix the 3 core kernel-xen bugs that are being experianced by
most people (one 32-bit data corruption issue, 2 SMP bugs).

We're going to apply these same patches to the FC6 kernel-xen which should
also resolve the stability issues seen on the FC6 2.6.20 builds. I don't
have an exact timeframe for this, but it should be in updates-testing at
least fairly soon.

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