[Fedora-xen] server migration

Russell McOrmond russell at flora.ca
Thu May 24 16:32:26 UTC 2007

   I would like to ask a question that I was hoping would get answered 
in this thread.  With physical hardware machines you can boot from an 
Install CD and do an upgrade.   I doubt a F7 will be able to handle a 
FC1 or lower, but I have upgraded very old machines doing steps (RH8 to 
FC1 to FC3 to FC5 in the past).

   I don't have hardware virtualization, so booting an install CD within 
a XenU isn't possible.  I am wondering if there is a way to launch an 
upgrade process similar to what is on the CD, but within a 
paravirtualized XenU.

   Just forcing an upgrade of the fedora-release, and then doing a 'yum 
update' doesn't work well given the packages are being upgraded in the 
same context that yum is running.  This is one of those things with I've 
seen Debian based systems handle better, and is one of the areas I'd 
love to see improvements in Fedora.

Side-note: My ISP recommends against doing upgrades with RHEL  -- I have 
customers with RHEL3 and RHEL4 that I want to upgrade to RHEL5, and I'm 
told that the only reliable way to do that is to wipe and re-install 
RHEL5 and then reconfigure all my software.

  Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
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