[Fedora-xen] Boot fails with 2.6.20-295.10.fc7

Langdon Stevenson langdon at lindenrow.com.au
Tue May 29 12:02:37 UTC 2007

> Is there a particular application which could be a problem?  Usually 
> it's a matter of wanting to run a 32 bit browser so that proprietary 
> plugins will work (yes, I'm looking at you Adobe).  32 bit apps in 
> general should run fine on a 64 bit kernel, provided you install the 
> relevant 32 bit libs.

Richard, to answer your specific question, yes, I would need to run the 
32 bit version of Firefox and its plug-ins.  It's ironic though that 
Acrobat is one of the few things that I haven't managed to get working 
yet ...


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