[Fedora-xen] xmlrpc python and session login

slbubba at charter.net slbubba at charter.net
Tue Oct 16 17:17:48 UTC 2007


I'm trying to see what's available (working) in xen for remote management.  I thought I'd try something simple using xmlrpclib and python.  I tried establishing a session and logging in but I'm not getting anywhere fast.  It appears that either xend isn't functional in this area or something (perhaps) is not set correctly in the xend-config.sxp file.  Has anyone been able to login to a xen system successfully?  Are any of the facilities in the xend-config file functional with this RH version of xend?

OS:  RHEL5.0 latest update
kernel:  2.6.18-8.1.14.el5xen

RPM's:  xen-libs-3.0.3-25.0.4.el5
>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> xen = xmlrpclib.Server("http://mysys.com:8006")
>>> asess = xen.session.login_with_password("batman", "monkeypus")

socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused')



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