[Fedora-xen] RHEL4 DomU Update Problem

Chris Lalancette clalance at redhat.com
Tue Oct 30 20:23:08 UTC 2007

Jim Klein wrote:
> Am attempting to update a RHEL4 domU from a custom created Xen kernel
> (created before RHEL5) to a supported kernel (2.6.9-55.0.9.ELxenU) and
> RHEL5 host without success. For some reason, the kernel can no longer
> find xvda. Boots fine on the old kernel and host, so I'm at a bit of a
> loss. Host has other domUs booted off the same SAN, with no security
> restrictions, so I don't see how it could be hardware. Copy of configs
> and partial debug log below. Ideas?

Hm, everything below, at a first glance, seems to be right.  What does the
console output look like from the RHEL-4 kernel (make sure to take rhgb quiet
off of the command-line)?

Chris Lalancette

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