[Fedora-xen] Trouble with Ubuntu guest on F7

John Lagrue jlagrue at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 09:35:09 UTC 2007

Trying to create a Ubuntu 7.10 guest on sn F7 host using a fully
virtualised system (I can't use Xen)

Using virt-manager to create the guest, selecting OS to be Linux, type
as generic 2.6 kernel

The guest refuses to boot!

It shows the lines:
Booting from CD-Rom

ISOLINUX 3.36 Debian-2007-08-30 Copyright blah.de.blah.......


And that's it. Host CPU count goes to the ceiling, but nothing else happens.

I get exactly the same behaviour if I do it from the command line with qemu-kvm.

The only way I can get it installed is by using qemu -no-kvm

After it is installed (which takes hours!) I can run it reasonably
well from virt-manager, though mouse behaviour is horrible. When
running it from qemu-kvm on the command line the mouse behaves

Any thoughts as to what, if anything, I might be doing wrong?


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