[Fedora-xen] Xen Windows paravirtualized drivers in Fedora 7?

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Thu Sep 13 13:20:32 UTC 2007

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 09:08:11AM -0400, achan at jonathan360.com wrote:
> It was my understanding that windows drivers in paravairtualization is 
> not possible because of the windows kernel, not because of lack of 
> drivers.  For it to work properly the kernel would need altered which is 
> against the EULA of Microsoft.  At least that was my understanding.

That is partially true. If you want to use the DDK, then it is not possible
to make your drivers GPL, but you could choose other open source licenses
I believe. You would end up with a situation where the source was technically
one license, but the binary became a different license. eg BSD source, but
Combined BSD / Microsoft DDK for the binary.  In theory you don't have to
use the DDK, but not doing so would involve huge amounts of extra programming
work. It all rather sucks, but that's Windows for you. IANAL btw :-)

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