[Fedora-xen] Possible Stupid Question...

David Levinger davidl at matissenetworks.com
Wed Apr 2 00:56:53 UTC 2008

Hey guys,

Been loving Xen and playing around with it for awhile now but recently
tried something new and had a really weird result, not sure if it is at
all related to Xen so I'm gonna ask here.

1. I have a SATA based Xen x64 machine running a para-virtualized x64 VM,
that VM is written out to an LVM Partition. /dev/vgmachine/lvVM
2. I shut down that VM and then dd_rescue it over to another machine.
(With the same LVM setup)
3. The other machine is running the same exact host OS but has SAS based
IO instead of SATA.
4. When I bring up the Xen machine on the SAS host the whole computer gets
hosed. I see SAS controller errors and I have to hard power the machine.

I'm building a new Xen machine on the SAS host now and it doesn't seem to
be causing trouble, did I do something stupid in assuming that I could
move a Para-virtualized machine from one type of IO to another?

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