[Fedora-xen] root element in config file

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at datacash.com
Thu Apr 3 14:06:35 UTC 2008

I am trying to put together a working xml file to create a new

The root element is baffling me a bit.

from the http://libvirt.org/ website
root: the root filesystem from the guest viewpoint, it may be passed as
part of the cmdline content too

My current value is <root>/dev/xvd</root> but that was automatically
created by satellite which I am trying to adapt for my own use.

When I do a virsh create config file I get the following error:
libvir: Xen Daemon error : POST operation failed: (xend.err "Error
creating domain: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_parse_elf_kernel: ELF
image has no shstrtab\\n')")

If someone would'nt mind explaing a bit more what this root file system


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