[Fedora-xen] ANNOUNCE: virt-df ('df' for guests) now supports LVM

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Thu Apr 17 14:11:54 UTC 2008

I'm happy to say that virt-df, the command-line 'df'-like tool for
looking at disk usage of guests, now supports LVM, making it usable
for the majority of situations where your guests are running Linux

You can now run 'virt-df' on the host and display the disk space
used/available on all filesystems of all your guests.  There is no
need to run anything inside the guest.

Here is an example with two running domains:

# virt-df -c qemu:///system -h
Filesystem                             Size       Used  Available Type
rhel51x32kvm:hda1                  96.8 MiB   14.6 MiB   82.2 MiB Linux ext2/3
rhel51x32kvm:VolGroup00/LogVol00    6.4 GiB    3.6 GiB    2.8 GiB Linux ext2/3
rhel51x32kvm:VolGroup00/LogVol01  992.0 MiB                       Linux swap
rhel51x64kvm:hda1                  96.8 MiB   22.1 MiB   74.7 MiB Linux ext2/3
rhel51x64kvm:VolGroup00/LogVol00    6.4 GiB    3.2 GiB    3.2 GiB Linux ext2/3
rhel51x64kvm:VolGroup00/LogVol01  992.0 MiB                       Linux swap

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Richard Jones, Emerging Technologies, Red Hat  http://et.redhat.com/~rjones
virt-p2v converts physical machines to virtual machines.  Boot with a
live CD or over the network (PXE) and turn machines into Xen guests.

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