[Fedora-xen] Unable to use multiple CPUs inside an HVM

Alroger L. Gomes F. alroger.filho at sdev.com
Sun Apr 20 16:36:01 UTC 2008

I have noticed that too.

David Levinger wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have a fully virtualized XP guest that is set to have 2 VCPUs and in 
> the guest I see 2 CPUs but when it is under heavy load it only 
> utilizes 1 of the physical cores.
> Both xm and virsh show that the guest only has 1 CPU, but my config 
> file and the guest show it should have 2.
> What am I missing? How can I get this guest to have access to both cores?
> Thanks!
> David

Alroger Luiz Gomes Filho
SDEV - Smart Developments

So little time, so many systems . . .  

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