[Fedora-xen] BUG: rawhide installer does not autoload xenblk/xennet modules

Pasi Kärkkäinen pasik at iki.fi
Mon Jan 7 19:32:08 UTC 2008


I just tried to install rawhide/development to a xen domU with virt-manager,
and it seems current kernel (or xen drivers?) has a bug that prevents
anaconda/installer from autoloading the needed drivers.. 

virt-install -n test -r 512 --vcpus=1 -f /dev/vg0/test_disk1 --vnc -p -b xenbr0
-l "http://mirror/fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/development/i386/os"

starts up the console/vnc window, boots up linux and the installer, lets me
choose language and keyboard type, and then says:

"No driver found"
"Unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type."
"Would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk?"

And at the moment anaconda is broken for manually picking drivers, so
installation doesn't work at all when using xen :) (this is a separate bug)

-- Pasi

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