[Fedora-xen] virt* source

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Wed Jan 9 23:06:24 UTC 2008

I've checked out the source virt*, but I cannot tell that it's newer 
than I have.

The changelog for virt-manager suggests not.

Mercurial doesn't set file times to those on the server, so they reflect 
when I checked it out rather than what's in the repo.

I planned to build from source and install to /usr/local, but this 
suggests my idea is impractical:

virtinst--devel/virtinst/ParaVirtGuest.py:        cmd = 
["/usr/bin/virsh", "console", "%s" %(self.domain.ID(),)]

Surely, the location of executable components should not be hard-coded 
in the source tree. I could live with it, grudgingly, if it was set at 
configure time.



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