[Fedora-xen] virt* source

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Thu Jan 10 17:57:33 UTC 2008

John Summerfield wrote:
> I've checked out the source virt*, but I cannot tell that it's newer 
> than I have.
> The changelog for virt-manager suggests not.
> Mercurial doesn't set file times to those on the server, so they reflect 
> when I checked it out rather than what's in the repo.

The changelog isn't updated frequently, usually only with releases. To see
actual changes and the times they were made, use the 'hg log' command in the
checked out repo.

> I planned to build from source and install to /usr/local, but this 
> suggests my idea is impractical:
> virtinst--devel/virtinst/ParaVirtGuest.py:        cmd = 
> ["/usr/bin/virsh", "console", "%s" %(self.domain.ID(),)]
> Surely, the location of executable components should not be hard-coded 
> in the source tree. I could live with it, grudgingly, if it was set at 
> configure time.

I don't really know the solution to that. If virt-install pulled 'virsh' from
the shell path, /usr/local would take precedence. But there may be drawbacks
to that which I dont know.

- Cole

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