[Fedora-xen] Two nics on HVM

Jens Ahrens jahrens at uni-mainz.de
Tue Jan 22 14:54:52 UTC 2008

Hello everybody,

I'm using FC7 and my server (IntelXeonQuad 64bit) provides 2 NICs. With 
virsh-install I installed a (32bit RHEL3) HVM.
Until here everything runs fine.
When installing FC7, NIC1(eth0) got a public IP and NIC2(eth1) got a 
private one.
When installing the HVM (RHEL3) only one NIC(eth0) exists, which got a 
public IP.
The problem is that I also want the HVM to have a second NIC connected 
to my private network (as in Dom0).

By default only one bridge (virbr0) is created.
brctl show gives:
eth0            8000.003048322dea       no              vif3.0
virbr0          8000.000000000000       no

How can I create a second one for (p)eth1 ?
By the way where does tap0 come from and what is it good for?

Thanks for any help.

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