[Fedora-xen] virt-viewer crashing on F11 with Xen 3.4.1

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Aug 18 09:25:28 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:42:00AM +0300, Pasi K?rkk?inen wrote:
> Hello.
> While continuing to test pv_ops dom0 kernels I also rebuilt 
> xen-3.4.1-1 src.rpm on F11.
> I'm able to virt-install new centos 5.3 domU, but it seems virt-viewer
> doesn't work. It segfaults on startup. vncviewer works though, and I'm able
> to complete the installation with vncviewer.
> http://pasik.reaktio.net/fedora/virt-viewer-crash.txt
> virt-viewer works when used with the default xen-3.3.1 (which is included in F11).

strace logs aren't much help with crashes. Try to run it under valgrind and
capture the errors, or GDB and get a stack trace

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