[Fedora-xen] Re: Dom0 Xen kernel RPM

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Wed Feb 11 17:24:56 UTC 2009

On Mon, 9 Feb 2009, M A Young wrote:

> I have built a kernel based on kernel-2.6.29-0.41.rc2.fc11.src.rpm and 
> Changeset 2342 from http://xenbits.xen.org/paravirt_ops/patches.hg/
> and uploaded selected files which are at
> http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/~may/xen/kernel-2.6.29-0.41.rc2.pvops2342.fc10.src.rpm
> http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/~may/xen/kernel-2.6.29-0.41.rc2.pvops2342.fc10.x86_64.rpm
> http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/~may/xen/kernel-firmware-2.6.29-0.41.rc2.pvops2342.fc10.noarch.rpm
> I got it to boot as Dom0 with a Rawhide based live CD image on a USB stick 
> with several kernel tracebacks. I have not managed to get it to boot on my 
> main Fedora 10 system either dom0 or as an ordinary kernel (but nor does the 
> the unaltered kernel - presumably there is some incompatibility between 
> Fedora 10 systems and Fedora 11 kernels that I haven't spotted yet), so you 
> use it very much at your own risk.

It turns out (probably due to an overlooked "hg update") that those were 
actually based on changeset 2336. I have replaced them with the files 
below which really are based on changeset 2342, which contains a fix to a 
significant bug and reduces the kernel tracebacks I see from 3 (ignoring 
duplication) to 2. It actually boots (single user) for me as dom0 on my 
Fedora 10 system, though X crashed when I tried to go multiuser, and there 
seem to be a long delay due to some ata problems during boot.

 	Michael Young


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