[Fedora-xen] Adding qemu disable pci devices patch to Fedora Xen

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Thu Feb 26 20:27:14 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 09:12:35PM +0200, Pasi K?rkk?inen wrote:
> Hello.
> Would it be possible to add Qemu "disable pci devices" patch to Fedora Xen
> packages? It allows HVM domains (or more specifically PV drivers running
> in HVM domains) to hide qemu emulated disk/network devices in a sane way to
> prevent possible corruption and other problems when both the PV devices and Qemu
> emulated devices are present at the same time..  
> It's mostly needed for Xen gplpv drivers by James Harper. The same
> code/feature is also being used by Citrix/Xensource commercial Windows PV
> drivers. 
> The patch has been in xen-unstable (3.4) for a while already without
> problems. 

Since its merged in xen-unstable & feedback seems positive, I've  no
objections to it being added to the xen RPM in F11. 

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