[Fedora-xen] Goodbye Xen on RH/Fedora?

Jan ONDREJ (SAL) ondrejj at salstar.sk
Wed Jan 21 08:20:48 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 08:15:00AM +0000, Evan Lavelle wrote:
> It seems I've been a bit thick. It's been pretty obvious recently that  
> Xen isn't flavour of the month around here, but I assumed there were  
> good reasons for that. Now, rather belatedly, I've found
> http://www.redhat.com/about/news/prarchive/2008/qumranet.html
> In short, RedHat paid $107 million for Qumranet in September 2008. The  
> acquisition includes KVM.
> I've got 2 years invested in Xen, on FC8, and I can't help feeling that  
> I've been shafted. Am I alone?

Not alone, same situation for me.

I am using Xen aprox 2 years too on our university, but with end of F8 there
is not a fully functional Xen Dom0 and also DomU kernel for any stable

KVM is still not a replacement for paravirtualized machines and I think
fully virtualized KVM will be slower like a paravirtualized XEN.
Also I am missing some howtos for migration to KVM/xenner.


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