[Fedora-xen] Can't install F11

Boris Derzhavets bderzhavets at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 3 16:52:23 UTC 2009

How important for you is xVM 3.1.4 in Dom0 ?

Any Xen 3.4.X Linux Dom0 with pvops or xenified kernel would work for you.View for instance :-


Same install may run at Xen 3.4.1 Ubuntu 9.04 Dom0:-


Current Nevada Build 123 has xen bits 3.3.2 (xVM 3.3.2)  i believe.
They state that CentOS 5.3 runs in PV DomU.
View also :-


Same trick does work at any Xen 3.3.X Linux Dom0.


--- On Sat, 10/3/09, jeff sacksteder <jsacksteder at gmail.com> wrote:

From: jeff sacksteder <jsacksteder at gmail.com>
Subject: [Fedora-xen] Can't install F11
To: fedora-xen at redhat.com
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009, 12:36 PM

When I try to install a PV instance of F11, I'm getting an 'invalid
kernel' message. The Dom0 is Sun xVM - equivalent to Xen 3.1.4

I have tried both the i386 and x86_64 versions.

This was supposed to be a straightforward config. Is there something
I'm missing?

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