[Fedora-xen] latest kernel.org kernel

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Sat Apr 2 19:25:26 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2 Apr 2011, Jon wrote:

> Is it possible to use the latest kernel.org kernel, 2.6.38-2, for
> xen-4.0.1 or xen-4.1 or should I compile the kernel from git? If it is
> the latter, what is the preferred method and is there a doc explaining
> the steps? I am running Scientific Linux 6 and would like to use the
> latest stable xen and kernel if possible.

2.6.38 is missing xen net and block backends
pre-2.6.39 adds the net backend
2.6.40 is expected to add the block backend.
In addition xen 4.1 supports a user level block backend though this is 
slow and can bring the guest to a halt in some cases.

Thus out-of-the-box xen 4.1 and pre-2.6.39 should be usable for xen 
provided slow disk access isn't a problem.
However for practical use you might be better using one a xen patched 
kernel, such as the 2.6.32 one I built recently based on the Fedora 12 
kernel code (plus updates and xen patches) at
or build your own from git, eg. from 

The xen.org site mentions plans to produce dom0 kernel and xen packages 
for RHEL6 (see http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/XenDom0Kernels ) though I 
imagine it will be a few weeks before that happens.

 	Michael Young

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