[Fedora-xen] /sys/class/net/xenbr5/bridge: No such file or directory [SOLVED]

Jon R. jonr at destar.net
Wed Apr 13 19:21:45 UTC 2011

On Sunday, April 3, 2011 11:39 AKDT, Jon <jonr at destar.net> wrote: 
> I followed Pasi's setup at 
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/RHEL6Xen4Tutorial to configure and a 
> SL6 box. This all worked great and I have a working system. When I look 
> at my bridge with 'brctl show' I am seeing this as the output:
> brctl show
> bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
> xenbr5        /sys/class/net/xenbr5/bridge: No such file or directory
> /sys/class/net/xenbr5/bridge: No such file or directory

I found the answer to this issue in a thread on the xen-users list, John Haxby explains the issue here:


What I did was download this rpm:


And did an rpm -Uvh and now I am seeing this on a 'brctl show' command:

 brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
xenbr3          8000.001125a5ce44       no              bond0.3
xenbr5          8000.001125a5ce44       no              bond0.5

Pasi, you might want to look into this on your tutorial, http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/RHEL6Xen4Tutorial or mention what causes the "/sys/class/net/<BridgeName>/bridge: No such file or directory" error to appear on a 'brctl show'.

While my system still worked with the errors with no issues, the output was ugly to have to look at. :)

Hope that helps someone else,


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