[Fedora-xen] Testing Xen dom0 for Fedora 15

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Sat Mar 19 22:33:13 UTC 2011

On Sat, 19 Mar 2011, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

> I assume Fedora 15 will ship with 2.6.38 kernel?

That is what the current F15 kernel is, 2.6.39 won't be ready for another 
couple of months, so it is highly likely.

> There was some discussions earlier if we could add the various
> xen backend drivers as additional patches for F15 kernel..
> what was the end result of that discussion?

It was left open, because we didn't know what the patches would be at the 

 	Michael Young

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