[Fedora-xen] Current dom0 kernel for F15/16

Robert Brown rjb1727 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 17:58:25 UTC 2011

Hi everyone, thanks for the list - quite helpful in running Fedora with Xen.

I have been using the myoung kernels for dom0,
specifically kernel- at the moment. I was
previously on Fedora 12 and rolled a successful upgrade to Fedora 14. I am
using xen 4.1.1 (created from later SRPMs provided with newer Fedora
releases.) It's all working as it should.

To move beyond Fedora 14 and update to 15/16, I need a more recent kernel
as F15 won't install otherwise. I have read through the list and can't seem
to locate a Fedora 15-supported prerolled kernel or SRPM. Does this exist,
and if so can someone kindly point me to the proper location? Or is the
current preferred approach to compile your own kernel? If this is the
suggested approach, are there any special requirements for this or kernel
options to be enabled/disabled?

I found an older dom0 tutorial but it seems geared to building the myoung
kernel. http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/Fedora13Xen4Tutorial

Thanks in advance,

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