[Fedora-xen] Virt-install hangs installing F16 (TC) with --nographics option

Boris Derzhavets bderzhavets at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 24 13:00:30 UTC 2011

virt-install --connect xen:/// --debug -n VF16PV --nographics -p -r 2048\
 --vcpus=2  -f /dev/sdb8 -l 

. . . . . 

Started Recreate Volatile Files and Directories.
Started udev Wait for Complete Device Initialization.
Starting Software RAID Monitor Takeover...
Started anaconda performance monitor.
Starting System Logging Service...
Starting Shell on tty2...
Started Shell on tty2.
Starting Shell on hvc1...
Started Shell on hvc1.
[    2.578301] agetty[296]: /dev/hvc1: cannot open as standard input: No such device
Starting Anaconda version 16.22.


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