[Fedora-xen] Virt-manager does not connect to libvirt/Xen? Xen 4.1.5 installed from source on Fedora 17.

ranjith krishnan ranjithkrishnan1 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 10:32:44 UTC 2013

Thanks for replying Dario,

Yes, I saw your other e-mail too, but I'm afraid I can't help much as I
> always have:
>  - used xl only, when building Xen from sources,
>  - used Fedora Xen packages only, when using libvirt stuff

I just want to get couple of DomUs running, that is all. I'm not particular
about which tool I use.
Virt-manager seemed easier/quicker, hence I picked that.

I did some reading on configuring DomUs using xl/xm and cfg files.

So basically I create the cfg file, and do "xm/xl create xmf16install -c"
This is one of my cfg files.

vif = [ 'bridge=br0' ]
kernel = "/home/fedora16pxe/vmlinuz"
ramdisk = "/home/fedora16pxe/initrd.img"
onreboot = 'restart'
oncrash = 'restart'

The CentOS/Fedora installers are being launched, but I think I am running
into a problem when the installers ask for HTTP location from where to
pickup the images for install. I got different kinds of errors each time (I
tried multiple installations (F15,16, F17, CentOS5).

Some of the errors I got from the anaconda installers were
(F12, CentOS5)
'' loader received SIGSEGV!  Backtrace:

install exited abnormally [1/1]
sending termination signals...done
sending kill signals...done
disabling swap...
unmounting filesystems...
/proc done
/dev/pts done
/sys done
/tmp/ramfs done
you may safely reboot your system"

"Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing    │
      │ repodata directory.  Please ensure that your install tree has    │
      │ been correctly generated.                                        │
      │                                                                  │
      │ Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: │
      │ updates. Please verify its path and try again  "

I am guessing there is a problem when it tries to connect to the internet
to download packages.
I have also attached my domU cfg file for reference in the email.

Could someone point out where am I going wrong ?

I just want to get couple of DomUs working and this is proving tougher than
I thought. :(
Is there something wrong with my cfg files. Or is something else the issue
here ?

> >
> I see... Just shooting in the dark here, and forgive me if it's a stupid
> question, but is libvirtd running?
> Yes, it is.
# service libvirtd status
libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:50:10 -0500
Main PID: 1248 (libvirtd)
  CGroup: name=systemd:/system/libvirtd.service

> >
> As I said, I'm really short in ideas/experience, sorry. Something I
> would probably try is:
>  - uninstalling your built version of Xen
>  - installing Fedora 17's Xen packages
>  - try libvirt with them

This was what I tried initially. Regular F17, then yum install Xen, and
Virt-manager just worked out of the box for me, and I was able to create

Sorry, I just seem to be running into multiple issues with this! Kindly
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

If all else fails, I am willing to start with a fresh install of F18 as
Dom0 and try to install Xen from source on that. Would this help ? I
remember you telling me F18 with Xen 4.2 working well with the Virt-tools.

Ranjith krishnan
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