[Fedora-xen] Virt-manager does not connect to libvirt/Xen? Xen 4.1.5 installed from source on Fedora 17.

ranjith krishnan ranjithkrishnan1 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 07:40:38 UTC 2013

Mmm... So you do not need any specific/unpackaged version of Xen, or you
> don't need to modify Xen's code or apply any specific patch to it? If
> no, why bothering with building from sources?
> If you don't need anything particular, using what the distro provides is
> almost always waaay easier than building from scratch, and that is
> _especially_ true for Xen! :-O
> I am a graduate student, and this is for my final project.
My intention is to make some code changes in Xen and try some things out,
once I get DomUs working.
That is why I am trying to install from source.

> I am guessing there is a problem when it tries to connect to the
> > internet to download packages.
> >
> Could be... Is the bridge working?

brctl shows me this. Does this mean everything is OK with the bridge ?
# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br0 8000.001ec936a1c5 no em1
virbr0 8000.525400f132d7 yes virbr0-nic

> > This was what I tried initially. Regular F17, then yum install Xen,
> > and Virt-manager just worked out of the box for me, and I was able to
> > create DomUs.
> >
> No, I'm sorry, but now I feel like I'm loosing you. Are you saying that
> you installed Xen and virt-* with yum and you add it all working fine?
> Well, if yes, why you abandoned that path?

Since I am new to Xen, I tried the official packages (yum install,
virt-manager) just to get some familiarity and confidence working with the
system. I thought once I have those working I can install from source and
make changes.

> Again, and sorry for repeating myself, if you do this, _do_ install an
> F18 (actually, at this time, you may want to go for F19) and _do_
> install both Xen, libvirt and the libvirt tools with *yum*. Don't build
> anything if you don't need it. :-)
> I said, and I confirm here, that on Fedora 18 (and the same applies to
> F19 Beta, at least the few times I tired) I have virt-manager and
> virt-install working well, either with xend running (i.e., using the old
> toolstack and the xen libvirt driver) or without xend (i.e., using the
> new toolstack and the libxl libvirt driver), at least for basic
> create/start/pause/suspend/resume/reboot/shutdown workflow.
>  Ok. I will try F18 next time. But I want to keep that as my last resort,
if nothing else works.

Right now, I thought I can download the iso file for fedora, save the image
on to the hard disk and then use it to build the DomU with xl. If that
doesnt work, I will look towards F18.

Ranjith krishnan
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