[Fedora-xen] [Xen-devel] [TestDay] xen 4.4 FC3 xl create error

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Wed Feb 5 23:07:27 UTC 2014

On Wed, 5 Feb 2014, Ian Campbell wrote:

> On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 18:41 +0000, M A Young wrote:
>>> We should probably consider taking some unit files into the xen tree, if
>>> someone wants to submit a set?
>> I can submit a set, which start services individually rather than a
>> unified xencommons style start file. I didn't find a good way to reproduce
>> the xendomains script, so I ended running an edited version of the
>> sysvinit script with a systemd wrapper file.
> I don't know what is conventional in systemd land but I have no problem
> with that approach.
>> Would it make sense to have some sort of configure option tools to choose
>> between sysvinit and systemd?
> AIUI systemd will DTWT and ignore the initscript if there is a systemd
> unit file, so installing both seems to be fine to me, and is certain to
> be less error prone.
> Although perhaps the xencommons vs split units breaks that suppression
> logic?
> What depends on the xenstored & xenconsole modules? Is it possible to
> have a "metaunit" xencommons which a) causes everything to be started
> and b) suppresses the initscript by having the same name?
> Or maybe there is a systemd syntax you can use to suppress
> xencommons.init?

I don't know of an alternate way to suppress and init.d script, so I agree 
it makes sense to have a dummy xencommons.service unit which will start 
any other xen units, but doesn't do anything functional itself.

 	Michael Young

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