[Fedora-xen] Xen 4.4 Released!

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Mon Mar 24 22:39:52 UTC 2014

On Mon, 10 Mar 2014, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

> ----- Forwarded message from George Dunlap <George.Dunlap at eu.citrix.com> -----
> The Xen Project team is pleased to announce the official release of
> Xen 4.4.
> The result of nearly 8 months of development, new features include:
> * Solid libvirt support in libxl.
> * FIFO scalable event channel implementation
> * Experimental support for PVH mode for guests
> * Driver domains: block scripts, qdisk, non-Linux driver domains
> * Improved support for SPICE
> * Improved kexec
> * Stable ABI for arm32 and arm64
> * Simpler to add a new ARM platform
> * As always, a number of stability, performance, and security
> enhancements "under the hood".

There is now a build of xen-4.4.0 in Rawhide. Also the latest 
build of Fedora's qemu on Rawhide has xen support enabled.

 	Michael Young

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