Conky troubles

Suvayu Ali fatkasuvayu+linux at
Tue Jan 4 08:58:47 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

For a few months now I have been unable to run conky with XFCE. Earlier
the following configuration used to work without any problems:

background yes
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes

But since a few months back this stopped working. I like to have it
displayed on all desktops overlayed translucently on the wallpaper, so
I tried the options desktop and override. With override I don't get any
display at all, with desktop I get a display but it goes away the
moment I click on the desktop.

I have tried running conky with or without the daemonize/background
option with no avail. Anyone has any ideas about what could be the
problem here?



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