Non-flattering review of Fedora XFCE

Jayson Rowe jayson.rowe at
Tue Jun 19 01:10:44 UTC 2012

Just saw this:

Now, it's not a great review - he recycled a home directory from
Xubuntu, so not sure why he made it a point to show off the
funkalicious configuration that occurred as a result, but when it
comes to the part after "Live Session and Installation", I can't say I
totally disagree with him on all points.

There really isn't anything 'polished' looking about the default
setup. I know I'm new here, and I have no clue how the default look of
the spin came to be, but I can't help but wonder - has any thought
ever been given to spiffing things up a little? Even if everyone
involved with the spin *loves* the Nodoka+Adwaita combination, I think
two small changes would make for a better first impression:

* Using the Fedora branded xfce4_xicon1 by default on the Applications Menu
* Setting the Clock and Notification Area to have 'no borders'

Honestly, I could care less about anything else the review said - most
of it seemed to be him rambling on about Fedora not having proprietary
codecs and such, but I *can* see how a new user might find the default
presentation a little un-polished.

Any other thoughts?


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