[Ambassadors] [Discussion] Reporting template for ambassadors.

Francesco Ugolini francesco at ephisia.org
Wed Feb 18 14:14:28 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:31 AM, inode0 <inode0 at gmail.com> wrote:

<My question, which wasn't clear enough, was about how to deal
> with ambassadors listed on our wiki who won't even respond to other
> ambassadors who contact them? It seems quite a few of us view this as
> a problem that can only get worse and it is important that when
> someone seeks out an ambassador for help or guidance on the wiki that
> they find someone willing and eager to provide assistance.

The goals between Membership and Mentoring initiative is to help
solving this lack, working with new Ambassadors and create a direct
relation between the Project and the new members.

> While I know you have worked on similar questions in the past it might
> be time to revisit those in this one confined area. Without
> necessarily considering ambassador group membership, can we find a way
> to make the wiki's list of ambassadors a more useful and effective way
> for the public and Fedora community members to contact ambassadors for
> whatever reason? Some great ideas are popping up about this now.
> John

Great question. This is a quite complicate issue, we have first of all
to consider what could be public and what couldn't be.

If you take a look at Privacy policy
(http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal/PrivacyPolicy), this is the
possible usage of personal informations:

 | Fedora uses the personal information you provide to:
 |     * create and maintain your accounts;
 |     * answer your questions;
 |     * send you information;
 |     * for research activities, including the production of
statistical reports (such aggregated information is not used to
contact the  subjects of the report);
 |     * send you surveys.

I'm not a lawyer, but I could assume that if something is not present
in the list, couldn't be done without the consent of the user.

So having a only, public space with people information (without asking
people to do this volunteer) isn't simple as it could be.

I want to underline that what I'm saying isn't a professional advice,
just some consideration on a legal paper. Suggestions are welcome.


Francesco Ugolini

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