[Ambassadors] [Discussion] Reporting template for ambassadors.

Neville A. Cross nacross at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 18:13:41 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Francesco Ugolini
<francesco at ephisia.org> wrote:
> If you take a look at Privacy policy
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal/PrivacyPolicy), this is the
> possible usage of personal informations:
>  | Fedora uses the personal information you provide to:
>  |
>  |     * create and maintain your accounts;
>  |     * answer your questions;
>  |     * send you information;
>  |     * for research activities, including the production of
> statistical reports (such aggregated information is not used to
> contact the  subjects of the report);
>  |     * send you surveys.
> I'm not a lawyer, but I could assume that if something is not present
> in the list, couldn't be done without the consent of the user.
> So having a only, public space with people information (without asking
> people to do this volunteer) isn't simple as it could be.
> I want to underline that what I'm saying isn't a professional advice,
> just some consideration on a legal paper. Suggestions are welcome.
> Regards
> Francesco Ugolini

Should this means that a more inclusive document has to be accepted by
ambassadors Or maybe it points to the need to a "members only pages"
that will allow ambassadors to have more info regarding other
ambassadors, than what will be available to the public? I just
thinking out loud here.

I think the most urgent topic is to shake the tree so the "dead"
leaves fall. Better if this can became a process  to avoid
accumulation of non relevant data. Streamlining the info, may help to
figure out if more complex actions are required.

Again, I am not against an ambassador that do a little activity or do
a lot but does not show it on-line. I am in favour of having a better
way to get in touch with each other when it is needed.

Should be that ambassadors get a yearly reminder to refresh their
membership and failing to answer that automated email within a month
move you to inactive status. Failing twice delete the account. It is
just an idea. The time frame may need better thinking.

Best regards.

Linux User # 473217

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