[fedora-arm] PogoPlug E02 -- 25 bucks.

Henrik Nordström henrik at henriknordstrom.net
Wed Dec 14 22:42:29 UTC 2011

ons 2011-12-14 klockan 09:46 -0500 skrev omalleys at msu.edu:

> Buy.com has the pogoplug P21 for 28 dollars with free shipping.
> http://www.buy.com/prod/pogoplug-file-sharing-solution-black/221688297.html
> This does have the dual core oxnas chip in it.

As I said these devices currently run linux 2.6.31 only and upgrading
the kernel to something newer is not an easy task. It is possible, but
will require a lot of work to forward port the SoC support to newer
kernels. Because of this they are of very limited use for Fedora.

If you are looking into buying something for Fedora usage then better
pick one based on an CPU that have an actively maintained kernel and
preferably supported mainline. 


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