[fedora-arm] Regarding Seneca Issues

Brendan Conoboy blc at redhat.com
Thu Nov 29 02:59:22 UTC 2012

On 11/28/2012 12:45 PM, Jon Chiappetta wrote:
>> - repo issues (the generally perl based build failures due to repo
>> issues). I reported I thought I had found the offending host but the
>> issue appears to have come back. Was the host re-enabled, what testing
>> has Seneca done?
> * Could you please provide the specific task links as examples or names
> of hosts that are causing the problem so we could diagnose the problem
> and look into resolving it?
>> - builder issues, seeing issues with things like the disk space on the
>> large builders without a resolution, or a resolution being reported.
>> What is the status, is it fixed?
> * What are the problems with the large builders? Are there RAM issues,
> permission issues, low space issues? Which builders need to be looked at
> specifically because it's hard to solve this without the needed info.

There's a common theme here: Issues are coming up and there isn't an 
obvious way to report them, track them, or otherwise make sure they're 
resolved, much less documented.  We need to fix that.

>> - Some people have remote access to the builders via a ssh key but it
>> appears that not all build hosts are configured for this. What's the
>> steps to resolution so that people can support the platform?
> * We specifically setup bcfg2 across all builders which helps to distribute
> our keys to them. If you would like access as you are describing then
> please contact one of us and we can generate an ssh key on hongkong so
> that you can login to the builders without a password. I believe this option
> was offered by one of my co-workers but was denied by a certain person so ya. :/

Don't really understand this.

> I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not following along here in close detail
> but our team has various other projects that we are working on simultaneously
> and sometimes we don't have time to monitor in close detail what exactly is
> happening in the farm. If you're able to point out specific examples of something
> failing and highlight all of our names in channel, I will at least definitely be
> able to see who it is and what is happening, hopefully.

This doesn't scale well.  The contact names change on a somewhat regular 
basis and #fedora-arm and #seneca are not support trackers- they're chat 
channels running 24/7, hours we do not any of us keep.  What's needed is 
a consistent point of contact, whether it be a bot, a web tracker, a 
separate mailing list, or some other mechanism.  Suggestions welcome!

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / blc at redhat.com

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