[fedora-arm] SunXI kernel 3.16 - Re: Device support for Fedora 21

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Wed Aug 13 14:36:59 UTC 2014

On 08/13/2014 10:05 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com> wrote:
>> I see below you saying are based on the 3.16 kernel?  From:
> Yes, at the moment Fedora 21 GA is currently scheduled to be based on
> 3.16, as a result that is what we are planning on.

So this means that anything SunXi adds will not make it into F21 GA?  I 
am just trying to understand the process.  I am willing to test with 
what I have and report test results.

>> I see listed the 3.17 kernel, though addins for the A20 is not needed by me.
>> But what concerns me, and I know it is out of control of this group, is that
>> my reading of this page is Video support is HARD and there is no listed work
>> in progress?
> You're right.... it is hard and it'll only work on Fedora when it
> lands upstream.... when ever that may be. Until that time the
> AllWinner devices will only be supported as headless devices. That
> doesn't mean they are not useful for dozens of different use cases.

And I DO have some of those as well.  That is headless device applications.

>> If so, what can I expect on Video support on my Cubieboard 2, or am I just
>> doing something wrong with the xfce build?  And I am trying to get vnc
>> server working so I can at least test out the video components installed are
>> working, but I can't get vnc-server up in this systemd mode; pointers would
>> be appreciated.  I followed one tutorial on F20 and it worked for a while,
>> then stopped.
> You can't expect Video on your Cubieboard 2 any time soon. We've been
> over the status of video support on the AllWinner devices with you on
> a number of occasions, asking a dozen different ways on a dozen
> different threads isn't going to change that outcome.

I won't argue the number of times; pointless other than I know I am 
causing you a level of frustration.  Sorry.  I am checking that I 
understand the process and what to expect and what to watch for and 
where I might be able to contribute testing time.

> If you need direct graphics on a ARM device I suggest you get a different device.

armv7, min 1Gb memory, Sata support, under $100?  Please tell me what 
other devices I should consider?  I have gleaned the few lists that I 
have followed for discussion on devices.  I have read the list of 
supported devices for F21 and in most cases went to the device site to 
see what it offered.  But I know I can miss things.

> In terms of vnc I have no idea what you're doing
> wrong, others have had it work without issue, and you seem to have at
> some point. What about remote X forwarding over ssh?

After I complete some Redsleeve testing (what I will be using on my 
first production units I ordered Monday), I will try a few more things 
with the latest builds.  I don't remember when I last did remote X over 
SSH; so I will have to do some reading as I have pretty much done VNC 
over SSH tunneling.

Thank you for all your help.

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