[fedora-arm] Adding serial console support to extlinux.conf

Hans de Goede hdegoede at redhat.com
Mon Oct 20 12:00:04 UTC 2014


On 10/20/2014 01:57 PM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>   Hi,
>> 1) This sends the kernel boot messages to only the serial port, this can
>> be easily fixed by instead appending:
>> console=tty0 console=${console}
>> 2) This will cause first-boot to run on the serial console in text mode,
>> instead of on the hdmi output
> Reversing the ordering should fix it.  IIRC all console= devices get the
> kmesg output (and systemd likewise logs to all of them), but only the
> last one gets /dev/console assigned.
> But I'm not fully sure what happens on devices without hdmi then.

The problem is that first-boot^W initial-setup (the ui to do things like
users after the first boot), checks for any console= argument and when there
is, runs itself there in textmode, instead of on the "main head".



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