[fedora-arm] Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-21_Beta-1-sda - yum update hung

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Sat Oct 25 11:31:17 UTC 2014

On 25 October 2014 17:58:33 GMT+08:00, "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjones at redhat.com> wrote:
>On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 02:47:39PM +0800, Andy Green wrote:
>> Today I tried the Fedora 21 alpha, it gave me the "firstboot" menu
>> on serial console.
>That's good.  It didn't happen on the Cubie when I tried Fedora 21
>about 1 month ago, but it could have been fixed.

It's gradually getting within sight of the whole thing being turnkey for a bunch of common boards, which will be a great achievement for a single mmc image.

But I think balancing supporting the individual boards without tying up too much time better spent elsewhere or trying to replace the work of the board community will be a bit of a challenge.

>> And it's useful, because otherwise you're into editing /etc/shadow
>> so you can login from serial console.
>Indeed that's a pain.  Most other distros start with some standard
>root password or known account - not super secure, but convenient.
>BTW I used this command to fix mine on the Cubie:
>  # virt-customize --root-password password:123456 -a /dev/sdX

Nice trick thanks I never heard of it.



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