A few Pungi questions

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.com
Wed Nov 21 15:06:56 UTC 2007

Peter Åstrand wrote:
>>> * When running the text based Anaconda from the resulting ISO, all 
>>>   packages are selectable, not just those that are included in the custom
>>>   dist. Is this a known limitation? Any other problems with the text based
>>>   Anaconda, to watch out for?
>> As far as I can see, anaconda uses comps to determine what groups to display.
>> If you have some third party packages, create a third party repository with a
>> comps.xml and pungi should write out a merged comps file.
> I've verified that a comps file is indeed created 
> (DESTDIR/VERSION/i386/os/repodata/NAME-VERSION-comps.xml), but it contains 
> all packages, for example scribus, even though this RPM is not included. 
> Somehow, the GUI Anaconda seems to "hide" the packages that are not 
> available, while the text based Anaconda doesn't. 

That could very well be true; I haven't looked at how anaconda does the 
text interface all too well.

>>> * How can I create a CD that automatically uses a kickstart file? Revisor 
>>>   seems to support this, but we're using Pungi. I've found
>>>   http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-buildsys-list/2007-June/msg00098.html,
>>>   but perhaps there's a better way to do this?
>> Using pungi's different 'stages' that you can enable and disable, first
>> compose a 'tree' -but not yet build an ISO, then copy in to that tree your
>> ks.cfg and modify isolinux/isolinux.cfg to 'append ks'. Then run the final
>> pungi stages.
> Thanks. I wonder if this is the approach Revisor uses? 

Revisor doesn't have these stages you can run separately, although 
Revisor development is on it's way to fully enable modules to hook into 
different stages of the process.

Anyway what Revisor does is compose a tree, then inserts the kickstart 
file as /ks.cfg and modifies isolinux.cfg appending a "Install with 
kickstart" bootloader menu option. So, similar to what you would do with 
pungi but without the stages and manual changes.

>>> I also wonder if anyone has a minimal KS (but with X11) file to be used as a
>>> template.
>> A minimal ks with X11 seems to me like you need:
>> %packages --nobase
>> @base-x
>> %end
> It seems anaconda-runtime is required as well. 
> Also, the resulting installer crashes when trying to install the 
> bootloader. I guess I need to add Grub as well. 

Hmm, yes. I forgot; Revisor forcibly adds these required packages 
-regardless of whether you've selected them or not-, unless you override 
the variable in the configuration files.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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