[PATCH] Perforce support for koji

Paul B Schroeder paul.schroeder at bluecoat.com
Mon Sep 8 21:27:01 UTC 2008

The powers that be require us to use Perforce.  Thus, the patch.  A few
things to note about it:

* Our P4 server is running on a non-standard port and thus needs to be
specified.  scm_tuple is now created via rsplit instead.  Allows SCM
port to be specified.  i.e. This now works:
* P4 *requires* a stinkin' password.  So I added password support to
_parse_url.  The "user" part of the SCM url can now be "user:password".
Still works minus the ":password" too.  Let me know if there's a
better/preferred way to support passwords.
* P4 can only checkout into the static client root specified in the P4
client spec (PITA).  Sooo..  After the module_checkout_cmd is executed,
if sourcedir does not exist, we do a 'os.rename' of the checked out code
into the proper task sourcedir.
* A P4 SCM URL looks like:
i.e. p4port==host  And p4client is your P4 client spec that you've

Let me know if there are any Qs, comments, or any changes I should


diff --git a/builder/kojid b/builder/kojid
index 1a7afbf..92f8143 100755
--- a/builder/kojid
+++ b/builder/kojid
@@ -1830,7 +1830,8 @@ class BuildSRPMFromSCMTask(BaseTaskHandler):
         use_common = True
         for allowed_scm in options.allowed_scms.split():
-            scm_tuple = allowed_scm.split(':')
+            # Use rsplit with 1 max split to allow for port numbers w/
scm host
+            scm_tuple = allowed_scm.rsplit(':', 1)
             if len(scm_tuple) in (2, 3):
                 if fnmatch(scm.host, scm_tuple[0]) and
fnmatch(scm.repository, scm_tuple[1]):
                     # SCM host:repository is in the allowed list
@@ -2325,7 +2326,8 @@ class SCM(object):
               'GIT': ('git://', 'git+http://', 'git+https://', 'git
               'GIT+SSH': ('git+ssh://',),
               'SVN': ('svn://', 'svn+http://', 'svn+https://'),
-              'SVN+SSH': ('svn+ssh://',) }
+              'SVN+SSH': ('svn+ssh://',),
+              'P4': ('p4://',) }
     def is_scm_url(url):
@@ -2362,10 +2364,11 @@ class SCM(object):
             raise koji.GenericError, 'Invalid SCM URL: %s' % url
         self.url = url
-        scheme, user, host, path, query, fragment = self._parse_url()
+        scheme, user, password, host, path, query, fragment =
         self.scheme = scheme
         self.user = user
+        self.password = password
         self.host = host
         self.repository = path
         self.module = query
@@ -2384,9 +2387,9 @@ class SCM(object):
         Parse the SCM url into usable components.
         Return the following tuple:
-        (scheme, user, host, path, query, fragment)
+        (scheme, user, password, host, path, query, fragment)
-        user may be None, everything else will have a value
+        user and password may be None, everything else will have a
         # get the url's scheme
         scheme = self.url.split('://')[0] + '://'
@@ -2396,14 +2399,21 @@ class SCM(object):
         dummyscheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment =
         user = None
+        password = None
         userhost = netloc.split('@')
         if len(userhost) == 2:
-            user = userhost[0]
+            userpass = userhost[0].split(':')
+            user = userpass[0]
+            if len(userpass) == 2:
+                password = userpass[1]
+            elif len(userpass) > 2:
+                raise koji.GenericError, 'Invalid username:password
specified: %s' % netloc
             if not user:
                 # Don't return an empty string
                 user = None
-            elif ':' in user:
-                raise koji.GenericError, 'username:password format not
supported: %s' % user
+            if not password:
+                # Don't return an empty string
+                password = None
             netloc = userhost[1]
         elif len(userhost) > 2:
             raise koji.GenericError, 'Invalid username at hostname
specified: %s' % netloc
@@ -2419,7 +2429,7 @@ class SCM(object):
             raise koji.GenericError, 'Unable to parse SCM URL: %s' %
         # return parsed values
-        return (scheme, user, netloc, path, query, fragment)
+        return (scheme, user, password, netloc, path, query, fragment)
     def checkout(self, scmdir, uploadpath, logfile, use_common=False):
@@ -2514,6 +2524,39 @@ class SCM(object):
             module_checkout_cmd = ['svn', 'checkout', '-r',
self.revision, '%s/%s' % (svnserver, self.module), self.module]
             common_checkout_cmd = ['svn', 'checkout', '%s/common' %
+        elif self.scmtype == 'P4':
+            if not self.user:
+                raise koji.BuildError, 'No user specified for
repository access scheme: %s' % self.scheme
+            # P4 URL:
+            #
+            # Perforce uses a "client workspace"
+            # Before first slash is the p4 client, after is the p4
+            (p4client, p4depot) = self.repository[1:].split('/', 1)
+            p4client_root = None
+            p4info = os.popen('p4 -p ' + self.host + ' -c ' + p4client
+ ' info')
+            for line in p4info:
+                if line.startswith('Client root:'):
+                    p4client_root = line.split()[-1]
+                    break
+            p4info.close()
+            if not p4client_root:
+                raise koji.BuildError, 'Could not find perforce client
+            # Perforce cannot checkout to a random dir (in this case
+            # It will only checkout to the p4client_root, so we
override scmdir
+            # with the p4client_root
+            scmdir = '%s/%s' % (p4client_root, p4depot)
+            # When HEAD is given as the revision, we assume we want the
+            p4revision = ''
+            if self.revision.upper() != 'HEAD':
+                p4revision = '@%s' % self.revision
+            module_checkout_cmd = ['p4', '-p', self.host, '-u',
self.user, '-P', self.password, '-c', p4client, 'sync', '-f', '//%s/%
s/...%s' % (p4depot, self.module, p4revision)]
+            common_checkout_cmd = ['p4', '-p', self.host, '-u',
self.user, '-P', self.password, '-c', p4client, 'sync', '-f', '//%
s/common/...' % p4depot]
             raise koji.BuildError, 'Unknown SCM type: %s' %
@@ -2521,6 +2564,10 @@ class SCM(object):
         if log_output(module_checkout_cmd[0], module_checkout_cmd,
logfile, uploadpath, cwd=scmdir, logerror=1, env=env):
             raise koji.BuildError, 'Error running %s checkout command
"%s", see %s for details' % \
                 (self.scmtype, ' '.join(module_checkout_cmd),
+        # Perforce checks out to the client root listed for the
perforce client.
+        # Need to move checked out source into sourcedir.
+        if not os.path.exists(sourcedir):
+            os.rename('%s/%s' % (scmdir, self.module), sourcedir)
         if update_checkout_cmd:
             # Currently only required for GIT checkouts

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