createrepo run after mock

Mike McLean mikem at
Wed Feb 10 20:59:57 UTC 2010

On 02/10/2010 03:28 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:
>> If the target is koji, then mock is the wrong place for this code.
> why? You make the repo at end time then with ticket 167 (that I just
> filed for koji) it sucks up the repodata, too.

It's just as easy to run the createrepo from koji instead. Then,
  - no need to add the dep to mock
  - works in koji regardless of mock version

Furthermore, the repodata generated here will not mesh with the 
resulting layout on the hub.
  - for scratch builds all the rpms are placed in a single dir
  - for non-scratch builds the src rpms get split off and any noarch 
rpms generated from a non-noarch build will land in the noarch dir

>> ...unless folks that use plain mock need this?
> sure. why not?

I guess I've never understood how this is helpful. In order to use it, 
you'd first need to configure the repo, which means creating/editing a 
config file. And you go to that effort so that yum can resolve a handful 
of inter-subpackage deps for you?

I've just never had any trouble running yum localinstall against the 
resulting rpms.

All that being said, I'm not opposed to doing something -- I just want 
to do it right. In particular, I'd like to get a solid handle on the 
range of use cases that are behind this request.

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