createrepo run after mock

Seth Vidal skvidal at
Wed Feb 10 21:08:18 UTC 2010

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Mike McLean wrote:

> Furthermore, the repodata generated here will not mesh with the
> resulting layout on the hub.
>  - for scratch builds all the rpms are placed in a single dir
>  - for non-scratch builds the src rpms get split off and any noarch
> rpms generated from a non-noarch build will land in the noarch dir
>>> ...unless folks that use plain mock need this?
>> sure. why not?
> I guess I've never understood how this is helpful. In order to use it,
> you'd first need to configure the repo, which means creating/editing a
> config file. And you go to that effort so that yum can resolve a handful
> of inter-subpackage deps for you?

look at the yum tmprepo plugin - it handles the above w/o config edits.

use cases:

1. have repodata immediately available for all koji scratch builds for 
easier testing
2. possibly speed up assembling repos from multiple koji builds
3. it's a pretty light-weight hit to go ahead and generate this data
4. it means if you know the taskid then you can find another good index to 
slurp down all the files related to it.

those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I don't have a strong preference toward this being in mock - when we were 
talking about it on irc yesterday it seemed the easiest place to put it.



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