createrepo run after mock

Mike McLean mikem at
Wed Feb 10 21:24:40 UTC 2010

On 02/10/2010 04:08 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:
> 1. have repodata immediately available for all koji scratch builds for
> easier testing
> 2. possibly speed up assembling repos from multiple koji builds

Now this is something I'm interested in but haven't had time to poke at. 
Certainly anything that speeds up repo generation is a win for koji.

I would also be interested in this from another angle -- if the main 
createrepo task in koji were to merely merge a ton of 1-build repos the 
we could probably eliminate the need for having /mnt/koji mounted on the 
builders that handle these tasks.

> 3. it's a pretty light-weight hit to go ahead and generate this data
> 4. it means if you know the taskid then you can find another good index to
> slurp down all the files related to it.
> those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.
> I don't have a strong preference toward this being in mock - when we were
> talking about it on irc yesterday it seemed the easiest place to put it.

I'm curious at what level folks would like the repo created. By that I 
mean do we:
a) make one repo for the entire build (all arches)
b) make one repo for each arch within each build

The latter is mostly (apart from src and noarch subpackages) what the 
mock approach would get. However when this issue has come up in the past 
I definitely remember folks asking for the former.

Granted if we have an eye towards speeding up the generation of koji's 
main repos I suppose we should also add
c) make one repo for each /canonical/ arch within each build
...which is a little different.

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