koji chain-build usage

Doug Reiland dreiland at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 16:27:06 UTC 2010

Sorry for the previous email, it got sent while editing

In koji-cli in handle_chain_build:
       elif '://' in src:
            # quick check that src might be a url
        elif '/' not in src and not src.endswith('.rpm') and
len(src.split('-')) >= 3:
            # quick check that it looks like a N-V-R

should it be:
       elif '://' in src:
            # quick check that src might be a url
        elif '/' not in src and src.endswith('.rpm') and
len(src.split('-')) >= 3:
            # quick check that it looks like a N-V-R

I attempted to koji chain-build a couple of srpms for testing, but
task is just sitting on "waitrepo".
Also, I noticed it doesn't upload srpms so what is the BKM? do you
import, then chain-build?

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