T-shooting Tips for a Failing Mock-init (code: QWERTY)

Tweeks tweeks at rackspace.com
Thu Nov 29 15:00:38 UTC 2012

Hey all,

I probably banged my head with some of your in the #koji channel a  couple of weeks ago on this.. but I never got it figured out.  My work group was trying to set 
up a CI/CD Jenkings test & build server using Jenkins + Koji (all on one box) and ran into some probelms.  Besides the documentation not exactly being well suited 
for SSL auth configs, we found that we could get everything working except the actual mock portion.  The mock chroot seems to get mostly set up (packages installed 
by kojibuilder/kojid), but when the system tried to do the mock-init, it fails every time.

We even tried following the #koji guys' suggestions of invoking mock manually from the command line like this:
# su - kojibuilder
-bash-3.2$ mock -r koji/dist-c5-build-6-10 --init
INFO: mock.py version 1.0.28 starting...
State Changed: init plugins
INFO: selinux enabled
WARNING: selinux: 'yum' does not support '--setopt' option
State Changed: start
State Changed: lock buildroot
State Changed: clean
INFO: chroot (/var/lib/mock/dist-c5-build-6-10) unlocked and deleted
State Changed: unlock buildroot
State Changed: init
State Changed: lock buildroot
Mock Version: 1.0.28
INFO: Mock Version: 1.0.28
INFO: calling preinit hooks
State Changed: running yum
State Changed: unlock buildroot
INFO: Installed packages:
fd =  None  <---------
fd =  8 <--------  I added these to puython for t-shooting...
fd =  10 <---------
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/mock", line 866, in ?
  File "/usr/sbin/mock", line 738, in main
  File "<peak.util.decorators.rewrap wrapping mockbuild.backend.init at 0x012C89B0>", line 3, in init
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/trace_decorator.py", line 70, in trace
    result = func(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/backend.py", line 258, in init
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/backend.py", line 553, in _show_installed_packages
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/backend.py", line 489, in doChroot
    printOutput=printOutput, *args, **kargs)
  File "<peak.util.decorators.rewrap wrapping mockbuild.util.do at 0x0128A758>", line 3, in do
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/trace_decorator.py", line 70, in trace
    result = func(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mockbuild/util.py", line 317, in do
    preexec_fn = preexec,
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/subprocess.py", line 550, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/subprocess.py", line 999, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Anyone have some good t-shooting tips?
BTW.. I'm just trying to build a RHEL zsh src RPM here. nothing fancy.

Our system is CentOS 5.8 (a requirement), koji-1.7.


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