Study Abroad with a Fedora twist

Max Spevack mspevack at
Wed Dec 23 02:28:58 UTC 2009

On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Francesco Ugolini wrote:

> The idea sounds good. I don't want to use, during a brainstormin 
> process, some "kill words" (words that brake the ideas flow).
> Can rh or other sponsor found this?
> I don't know if there are people ready to spend for an accomodation 
> and for all the connected costs (we are talking about thusands 
> dollars).
> Will this idea be open for everyone or to whom it can afford it?

If we are smart about the way the idea is put together, the Community 
Architecture team should be able to throw some funding at this.  We'd 
just have to be smart about what we do, and what the results of it are.

There is precedent.  CommArch has helped on a number of occasions to get 
Dimitris and Diego into the same place for a period of time, and the 
benefit to Transifex and thus to Fedora has been enormous.


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