[Design-team] For a simple professionnal oriented wallpaper

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 6 09:14:34 UTC 2012

Am Donnerstag, den 05.01.2012, 23:42 +0100 schrieb Didier G:
> Hello design-team,
> I use Fedora since release 5 for both professional and personal usage at 
> office and at home.
> For each release you do a great job with custom wallpaper but I will 
> appreciate to find, from release to release, a professional wallpaper 
> very basic designed for people who spend twelve hours or more on their 
> screen.

Hi Didier,

the default artwork - and this includes the wallpaper - cannot be
completely neutral because it is meant to visually pick up the release
name. This makes every release of Fedora unique and it's a pleasure to
see how the design-team deals with this new challenge every release.

Kind regards,

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